Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Don't Even Know What to Call this Post!

I have been blogging for more than two years now and I only have 124 posts! I don't know why, but I got to thinking that a post has to be so good or else I would not write anything and let all events be so old and boring to write about! I did not lose my interest in writing or posting at all, I still write some stuff every now and then in my diary... well it's not really a diary, it's just a huge notebook that I use for writing anything anytime, even if it's a silly song. I'm writing this post and I'm not reading or even thinking of what I'm typing in order not to delete it. A bad post is better than nothing :D
Ok, let's talk about some things here... Why breaks have to be so boring?! I can't wait to get done with a semester or a course in order to enjoy the break, but once it's here I can't wait for it to be over! The problem is that I still don't have many friends, I do know so many people around here but when there is something to do nobody asks me to join, well that's IF there is something to do in this town. And now that it's summer time nobody is here and there are no activities whatsoever. I wake up everymorning and then go back to sleep waiting for my friend to call and wake me up again, then we go to the mall or somewhere else for a couple of hours. After that I go back to my apartment and watch TV or read a book, get online, go grocery shopping, walk for two hours at the campus's stadium, go back home and watch more TV and then sleep! There is a funny vedio clip that I once watched about this town that says all you can do here is watch some art and sleep, then watch art some more and SLEEP!! I'm looking up some trips but there is nothing for July so far.
Enough about this. Let's talk academics now! This is the first year in my life in which I take classes in summer, and I survived it. I decided to take only one course for June after I dropped the class for July deciding that I'm going to write a thesis and will not need a second summer course anymore. The course I took in June was a British literature class after 1660, and it was about Oscar Wilde, the New Woman at the fin de siecle. It was very interseting and I learned so much in just five weeks, wrote a paper on Bram Stoker's Dracula, and decided on my thesis topic which will be on Oscar Wilde.
In a way for me to have some fun, I participated in a program for issues on international education and I made a presenation about education in Iraq and I got to talk for two hours to the audience which was so COOL :D I was scared at the beginning of the thought that the materials I prepared might not be enough for the whole two hours, but everyone was so interested in asking many different questions about Iraq that I didn't have to use everything I prepared. The people who came to the presentation were all teachers from around the State and one of them invited me to her school which I thought was very nice, and the committe that prepared for the program said I was so good that they wrote me a letter for my department and the Fulbright :)
I finally went to the Niagara Falls last month, it was a quick trip but I had so much fun. The trip was arranged by the office of internation students at the university so we go to use the university's van to get there since there weren't many people, and all of us were graduate students in English Department. Oh, and I also went to an amusement park which was so much fun!
I moved off campus about a month and a half ago and I don't have roommates anymore. It feels different living off campus even though the apartment is just across the street from it, but I like it.
I'm still typing this without reading it, so I apologize for any mistakes that may occur.

Bored Morbido!